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Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan

In January 2018 DAC Planning was commissioned by Coggeshall Parish Council to support the production of the Regulation 14 Consultation Draft Neighbourhood Plan. DAC Planning has provided support and guidance to the Steering Group through a range of complex issues to inform the production of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.


Critical Friend Support

We completed a critical friend assessment of the draft Neighbourhood Plan. This involved a review of policy matrices and ideas by the Steering Group.

Housing Strategy Report

We produced a Housing Strategy Report providing guidance on housing allocations in the Draft Plan and an assessment of potential housing development sites within the parish.

Drafting Policies and Preparing Statements

We prepared draft policies for the Neighbourhood Plan, and produced the Consultation Statement and Basic Conditions Statement for submission.


The Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan was passed at referendum in May 2021. This represents the third Neighbourhood Plan to pass at referendum in Braintree District Council with the support of DAC Planning.

"DAC were professional at all times, well connected and experienced... They were competitively priced throughout the process. The service was personal, while being objective and challenging, and we always felt they were on our side."

Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

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